Labor.R    Artiste




My Name is  Labor Robert


Born in 1937


I practice pictorial creation since the age of 14.


Education:  Diploma in Design and Visual Arts PARIS


I am a graduate of Hautes Etudes VISUAL ARTS ... Drawing and Fine Arts from The College of Fine Arts and the Teaching of Art: Claude Bernard de France PARIS

(School, now replaced by the ARTS Universities) ...


Promotion 1970


Teacher in Arts and Painting during 28 years.

retired Professor( agrégé )since 1997


For me, Creation and painting has been  a great conversation with the History of Art,

with all paintings and painters. My evolution is the evidence...

to see

Just visit my global site



Today my work  is totally CONTEMPORARY ,

 my preference  is the contemporary  PAINTING


My current theme:   say all in  a few words

in the concept

Less is More

Beyond Cubism ... Contemporary Painting