2014…2015 AFTER--CUBISM      Retour à SITE Robert Labor



         thumb Labor Robert   Abstract   2005  thumb espace  and   thumb Triangle  2012        HIER..Yesterday     Musical (collage)1985    


                   thumb Happy birthday thumb flamb thumb tonnom    thumb vert10sept2014 bon audela


                10oc  09 octobre pr sitethumb  Thumb peinture griffures  thumb pere  cc1418                           


                                                  Gallery Less is More            


             Tomorrow                  25 decembre 2014                    comparison 1980 et 2014 


Met1   Met2   Met3 …( PRINTS on Aluminium)


    Artist   LABOR .R                                                                   My  IDEAS of ART  :  

MA CONVERSATION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

While this seems at first sight very far of the current contemporary expression I want to revisit the lane of the Cubism ,a current that has always attracted me by its joints, articulated forms, a kind of mathematics in the spirit  and in the space ...  My question? ;Does Somebody see that it can still bring in it thoughts , and feelings

 .In it  I know, I  can  dare my own chasm , and find              Some….   Présentation       Exhibition                         (  some EDGES( Materials, )installations)